The Management Committee consists of the following elected positions:
Eddie Cowie ESM
Eddie has been a SES volunteer in Queensland for 30 years this November (joined 1986) and has held many different qualifications and positions including VR and VR Instructor, RCR and numerous other qualifications and is employed in his current position as the Local Controller for Rockhampton/Livingstone SES Units. Eddie has a passionate drive for continuous improvement of all things SES and has been one of the driving forces in establishing the QLD SES Volunteer Association, so to advocate these improvements.
In 30 years of QLD SES and employment within QLD Ambulance and Police, many changes have occurred that are for the better, however many more improvements can happen that allow for the betterment of our local communities and the state of Queensland, however this can only occur with the right partnerships. The former vice president of the SESAQ Eddie saw the need to establish the direct link to the National SES Volunteer Association and moving forward with improvements, thus one reason for the change to the ‘Queensland State Emergency Service Volunteer Association’. ”We need to have a strong team of volunteers within our Association not afraid of the hard work ahead, and committed to challenge what we as SES volunteers know will improve our response for the State of Queensland in the many SES Functions we perform”
Along this journey we will stay ‘non-political’, and objectively look at the bigger issues concerning QLD SES and across Australia in an attempt at benchmarking what works well in other SES States and Territories while still advocating for what we need now.
Travis Bell
Jenny Crump JP(Qual), FAIES
Jenny has been with the SES for the past 18 years and is currently in the role of Group Leader for Northern Group (Monday) within the Brisbane City SES Unit. During this time Jenny has been on a number of deployments throughout the State where she has assisted with disaster recovery in many regional communities. In the Brisbane region, Jenny has been on many activations over the years assisting with storm damage, land searches, forensic searches and community events.
Jenny holds a TAE and spends a lot of weekends during the year training SES members in Ladders, Emergency Lighting, Casualty Handling, Ropes and Knots, Communications, PIARO, TAMS, Working in an EOC, AIIMS 16 hours, Land Search, Storm Damage, First Aid, Safety Officer, Height Safety and Chainsaw.
Jenny is currently the President of the Northern Group Support Group Inc. and has been in this position for the past 9 years. Prior to becoming President, Jenny was the Support Clubs Secretary and had held that position for 4 years.
Jenny joined the Australasian Institute of Emergency Services (AIES) QLD/NT Division in April 2010 and was elected to the position of QLD/NT Treasurer which she held for 4 years.
In 2014 Jenny was then elected to the position of QLD/NT Secretary/Treasurer and has held that position for the past 10 years.
In 2017, Jenny was appointed as the AIES National Treasurer and currently remains in that position.
In 2016, Jenny joined the Qld SES Volunteers Association and in 2017 was nominated to the position of Merchandise Officer which she currently still holds.
In February 2024, Jenny was nominated to the position of State Secretary of the QLD SES VA.
Stephen Kelly CertIIHort CertIIIHort CertIIICaLM CertIIILCon ERDC PDC, BA BCom (UQ), CA
Steve is a former of the QLD SES and Life Member of the QLDSESVA having served as the inaugural Treasurer of the association and is passionate about supporting all volunteer members of the QLD SES.
Steve is a Chartered Accountant with over 35 years experience in the fields of accounting and finance and has held roles in private and publicly listed companies and large government corporations, mainly in the mining and infrastructure industries.
Steve currently runs his own small business in the horticulture / landscaping industry.